Dear Fellowship,
Best Valentine's surprise ever - 'Tales from the Fellowship of the Ringlets' is now in print!!
It's something of a limited edition right now - limited in fact to one copy, so that makes it literally one of a kind! Priceless, in fact! I may have to get contents insurance on the flat!
Massive shout-out and enormous thanks across the seas to my little Welsh pal Nicola Daniel for spending her days and precious time secretly doing this when she should have been tending to the needs of her perfect new daughter, Cassie Valentine!
Seeing it all written up like this is fairly overwhelming, not least because I've realised how much I MISS that GODDAMN wig *sob* but also because I've been dithering about over the last few weeks, wondering whether to write FotR up properly or just leave my cat litter'd memories languishing in the bowels of t'interweb for people to eventually stumble across. I am going to read it by the pool this weekend in the Hunter Valley and see if I get bored. If not, then we may just return to this publishing quest...standby for my Amazon rating of my own inane ramblings!
Whatever happens, this is frankly one the most sensational, thoughtful and fabulous gifts ever. If the internet ever collapses (which it eventually will do, probably under the weight of the Fellowship posts), I now have a proper book to remind me of the cancery madness of 2015.
Love you, Davey-Daniel, you Welsh legend. You have made my year (all 6 weeks of it)!!
Have great weekends, all...
VC x
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