In January 2015, following a routine check by my vigilant GP, I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.

As a Brit living in Sydney, Australia since 2008, I realised over the following days just how many of my friends and family were scattered across the globe and different timezones.

The Fellowship of the Ringlets was originally just a tremendous pun and the title of a closed Facebook group I created to keep those distant friends and family in the loop and worry-free.

But over 12 months, my little group somehow grew from 80 to 800+ and became a veritable band of brothers, a support team like no other and a true Fellowship in every sense of the word.

Their love, laughter and rallying cries have been the greatest tonic a little ringlet'd cancer-face like me could have wished for.

The following letters, musings, incoherent ramblings and occasional bouts of bad language are for them all.

Welcome to the Fellowship of the Ringlets.

VC x

Wednesday, 22 April 2015


Dear Fellowship,

We've officially reached chemo halfway house, my friends. Wahay! 
Round 3 done and dusted and appropriately dramatic cyclone warning weather to mark the occasion! Hence the blurry photo and me shouting 'just take the bloody thing and let's get outta here!'...
Thanks for all your love and support so far - it's been immense and heartwarming and delightful and has without a doubt helped me get through this first chemo trilogy. Too many 'ands' in that sentence for my liking but I'm letting it go...
Only another 9 weeks and chemo will be history. 
Special thanks to my buddy Ryan for coming along for the 4hr ride at such short notice - you're a star!


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